Supplementary movie assignments and ASTR 1101 problems


Scientific Notation is used a lot in astronomy. It helps us to write succinctly the very large and small numbers we often encounter (sizes, distances, times, etc).
Exercise 1: Express the following numbers without a power of ten:
1) 104 =
2) 107 =
3) 100.5 =
4) 10-1 =
5) 10-4 =
6) 10-3.5 =
Exercise 2: Express the following numbers as powers of ten.
7) 10
8) 100,000
9) 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
10) 0.001
11) 1
12) 0.000000001 
Exercise 3: Convert the following numbers to Scientific Notation:
14) 5,213 =
15) 73,200 =
16) 23.21 =
17) 21,000,000,000 =
18) 4,713,000,000 =
19) 0.02 =
20) 0.000314 =
21) 0.00000000043791
Exercise 4: Convert the following numbers to decimal notation:
22) 2 x 103 =
23) 2.331 x 105 =
24) 9.51 x 1022 =
25) 5 x 10-3 =
26) 7.6278 x 10-5 =
27) 103 + 105 =
28) (2.51 x 102 ) + (5.23 x 104 ) =
29) 104 - 102 =
30) (2 x 104 ) - (7 x 102 ) =
31) 1012 x 105 =
32) (7.2 x 105 ) x (2.12 x 10-2 ) =
33) 109 / 104 =
34) (2.3 x 107) / (9.2 x 102) =


1) 10,000 
2) 10,000,000 
3) sqrt(10)  
4) 0.1
5) 0.0001 
6) 1/sqrt(10000000)

7) 101        
8) 105   
9) 1018    
10) 10-3    
11) 100    
12) 10-9 

14) 5.213 x 103 
15) 7.32 x 104 
 16) 2.321 x 101 
17) 2.1 x 1010
18) 4.713 x 109 
19) 2 x 10-2 
20) 3.14 x 10-4 
 21) 4.3791 x 10-10 

22) 2,000
23) 233,100 
24) 95,100,000,000,000,000,000,000 
25) 0.005 
26) 0.000076278
27) 1,000 +100,000 = 101,000 
28) 251 + 52,300 = 52,551
29) 10,000 - 100 = 9,900 
30) 20,000 - 700 =19,300
31) 10(12+5) = 1017 = 100,000,000,000,000,000 
32) (7.2 x 2.12) x 10(5-2) = 15.264 x 103 = 15,264
33) 10(9-4) = 105 = 100,000 
34) (2.3 / 9.2) x 10(7-2) = (0.25) x 105 = 25,000


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