Measuring angular distances activityEphemeris worksheet
Lab#1: The Zodiac
Astrological sign (Can you list the 12 Western astrology signs?)
Compass point (could you find North with a compass?)
The horizon
What is a constellation? How many are there?
The Zodiac and The Zodiac constellations
What is an asterism?
The eight planets of the solar system (give their names)
The North star and the North Celestial pole
What is the Zenith?
What is represented on a Celestial Sphere? (You will be provided with one in the lab).
Suggested videos:
Plane of the Ecliptic Tilted on Celestial Sphere
Extra: how to find north using a watch?
Lab#2: The celestial sphere
Review: latitude, longitude, equatorApparent motion of the Sun
Celestial coordinates (right ascension and declination), a.k.a equatorial coordinates.
NCP, SCP (celectial poles)
Prime terrestrial meridian and zero celestial meridian
Ecliptic and Vernal equinox (a.k.a. Spring equinox)
Solstices, equinoxes
Lab#3: Apparent motion of the Sun in Vancouver
Positions of sunrise and sunsetLocal coordinate system (altitude, azimuth)
Path of the Sun on solstices and equinoxes
Lab#4: The motion of the Sun in different locations
The seasonal daily motion of the Sun at different latitudesArctic circles
Lab#5: The phases of the Moon, the motion of the Moon
Synodic and sidereal periods of the MoonLab#6: Solar and lunar eclipses
NodesSaros cycle
Band of totality
Umbra and penumbra
Annular and partiale eclipses
Lab#7: The motion of the inner planets
Transit of VenusRetrograde motion
Conjunction, opposition
Synodic and sidereal period
Phases of Venus
Geocentric and heliiocentric models